Sock Virgin....
Just saw X-Men 3.... loved it. Mmmm, Wolverine. ;-)
Our slightly nomadic lifestyle... and some disorganized notes on my knitting projects.
The baby is due in October, so I'm hoping to have more than a foot blankie done by then.
...yesterday, I finished the incredible reversible cable (Ruby Cable) scarf by Lauren for Alchemy in dark brown llama wool. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure that I'd wear a brown scarf since I wear a lot of black and accessorize with dark red (the yarn looked black when it was in the skein)... so, I offered a trade - I gave the finished scarf to my M-I-L and I got more llama yarn in a colour I might wear. This off-white/beige colour is combined fibre from Molly and Dreamweaver:
Ok, the colour is kind of wonky between photos, but please, it's still grey, dreary and raining - so hard to get good natural light!