Monday, May 08, 2006

Yarn Rigamarole

Back from a lovely visit to the Motherland over the weekend - one where I visited my alma mater, spent time with my sister, brother-in-law and my niece and visited a favourite (former) LYS. The idea was to get more Lemoine Point yarn to finish this... unfortunately, the cupboard is bare. Yep, that's right, I'm going to have to frog this and come up with a simpler (i.e., less yarn intensive pattern) but still exterior friendly pattern. *sigh* The yarn is unprocessed so it has that lanolin feel and is a tad bit scratchy (perfect for the fisherman knit sweater I "designed" and knit for B) but not perfect for every pattern - it's definitely an outerwear yarn. I bought a whole whack of this stuff for B's sweater, then used it for the Aran pillow and then estimated that I'd have enough for the VK 2002 sweater. The owner of said LYS had bought 400 lbs of fleece from the farmer, washed it and stuff and then sent it off to be spun (read: LIMITED quantity). She sold her last skeins recently so I'm definitely out of luck.

But since I was there.... I *did* buy 100% Egyptian Cotton yarn from Norway ("Sandnes" of Norway), more addis (3mm, 60 cm), and a huge-ish patternbook of babystuff. The "mandarin Petit" is in white for a nautical themed baby blanket - my friend grew up in Barbados, so I thought it was appropriate for her baby. No?


Blogger Zarzuela said...

Total bummer about the lack of yarn! After all that work! Oye!!

Glad you had a good time in the motherland. And that sweater you made for B, absolutely amazing!! Just beautiful.


7:40 p.m., May 09, 2006  
Blogger barbp said...

Ahhh the Nordiques - you do know your hockey. Thanks for thinking to chear my team on.

Your work is beautiful, and the baby Llama is too cute. Is it just patterns that your M-I-L will take, or will Tim Horton's coffee do the trick?

Glad you had a good trip - we won't be back up there until June or July.

8:25 a.m., May 11, 2006  
Blogger Sneaksleep said...

I liked a lot of the patterns in that book. I guess that means you should be careful not to leave it lying around at SnB. ;-) Glad you had a nice visit!

6:06 p.m., May 11, 2006  

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