Saturday, April 29, 2006

Knitted aran pillow

So, I wanted to surprise my in-laws with a special Christmas gift last year. My father-in-law mentioned these pillows (at right) that were knit by Brendan's maternal grandmother about 20 years ago and how it was a shame that they were getting beat up. I never met Brendan's grandmother but attended her funeral with him in 2000 and she sounded like a very accomplished woman and talented, talented knitter. So, anyway, armed with this gift idea, I secretly observed these pillows on one of our trips and figured out the pattern. So, here are the old pillows (above, right)...

and the new pillow...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is a fitting homage to grandma's work. Congratulations! You need to share that pattern - I would love a copy once I learn how to knit. It's really a beautiful pillow.

6:59 a.m., May 01, 2006  

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