Sunday, November 28, 2004

Baby sweater for Elias

A picture of my recently completed baby sweater (designed by Classic Elite) for Elias in London... and an almost identical one for Trajan in Toronto (same yarn, different buttons - little blue fishies for Trey).

Here is the original sweater and yarn (knit circa 2000) first knit for Serenna in Edinburgh and then for Emily in Toronto.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Due Date

Today is the due date for 4 more of B's applications. So, 15 applications are in now with one to go (due Dec 1st)... and his dissertation proposal is getting handed in today which he will defend in front of his committee on Nov 29th (!) Phew. Now, just to wait on pins and needles to hear about whether or where he got interviews....

Friday, November 12, 2004


holy crap. brendan's apps (sent Nov 2, Nov 2, and Nov 4 to Bedford, MA, Worcester, West Haven, CT) are STILL not showing as arrived at their postal stations, let alone delivered. WTF?? This is a disaster.

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Things are going ok here - I'm stressed about apps - the waiting - oh, the waiting. Brendan is mailing two more off today for 15 total. 2 apps left to go. I just got a call from Paul who said that he just heard from one of his sites telling him that he didn't get an interview with them. (Ouch!) And he was wondering if Brendan had heard anything yet (he hasn't). Painful, the waiting. In fact, another problem was that B sent 2 apps to MA regular mail on Nov 2nd for a Nov 15th due date with tracking on them. They were supposed to take 3-4 d for delivery but have not shown up yet, according to the tracking website. (!) It is worrisome since one of those sites was his first pick (in Bedford)... ergh. Seems silly - we could have sent it priority but just thought that with so much lead time, it'd be fine. So, by Nov 29, Dec 5, and Dec 15th, places will gradually either drop off the "potential" list to the "definitely not" list. I really should relax, I know, but I don't do well in situations like this, so I'm bound to be high strung for a few weeks! The dining room table is clearing of application materials and things will return to normal by the end fo the weekend, I'm sure.

Since the election, I've been a bit of a hermit, aside from our favourite coffee shop - where we agree, when we're there, we can't even tell we're in Tulsa. :-) It's a good place to do work, so I've continued as editor for Brendan's cover letters and applications. In between reading the fifth Harry Potter book over the weekend.

Friday, November 05, 2004

10 down, 7 to go

10 applications down, 7 to go... we went out to our little "shades of brown" coffee shop last night and I was trying to edit cover letters/app packages but I just hit the wall. I was just unable to do anything productive. I did bake peanut butter cookies last night though... yum. There's *something* productive! I've been in junk food overload since halloween... weather here is getting "cold" apparently - in the 40s at night and in the 60s and even 70s during the day - doesn't feel *that* cold, honestly.