Friday, July 07, 2006

The Self-Striping Disaster of Ought Six

...also known as: my first pair of socks. Formerly known as: ill turned-out baby sweater for my friend's baby, Kian.

Now, I was pleased to successfully finish my first pair of socks (VK Fall 2002) - don't get me wrong. However, I think my Regia self-striping / self-patterning days are over. Perhaps I just picked a bad colourway - I've certainly seen other Regia or similar sock yarn knit up in much cuter patterns than these. Nevermind, I've learned a new skill - I can knit socks now. That's the important thing. Technically, I did start these socks before the "Summer of Socks" kicked off, so I will have to knit at least one more pair this summer... my goal was first to learn how to knit socks, then to learn better ways to construct socks... I'm intrigued by the single circular/magic loop, toe-up, kitchener stitch bind-off construction but I may need to try out a two circular needle sock in between the basic model (top-down, heel flap) and the deluxe (toe-up baby).

So, amidst the moving and the cleaning and the teary goodbyes (don't get me started on how much I'm going to miss the New Haven SnB crowd), I have been doing a little bit of knitting... this is my progress on the Norwegian Sandnes baby blanket in egyptian cotton. (I have to keep reminding myself that it is, indeed, egyptian cotton so that I don't tell myself that I was crazy to pick this yarn to create a blanket)

Our new place is coming together but we've hit a lull in our set-up progress... we're acquiring a couple of pieces of furniture soon-ish, so hopefully that will spur on things like picture hanging and office organizing. :-)

In recent llama news: I've finished the reversible cable scarf but owe pictures and I have news that my M-I-L got *another* llama recently. Apparently, it is a 4 yr old boy llama that plays and rough-houses with the baby boy llama and they have a famous time together. (All the other llamas are older and/or girl llamas so the addition of the younger male is apparently a good thing for the herd. er.. pack? ...herd?)


Blogger jennsquared said...

wow you came a long way with the baby blanket! It's turning out quite nicely! I do have to say I love the egyptian cotton! Hope all is well with the move. Glad you have internet now so we can communicate! :)


3:42 p.m., July 07, 2006  
Blogger Lauren said...

You have made a lot of progress on the baby blanket. I still vote for magic loop over 2 circulars.

4:08 p.m., July 07, 2006  
Blogger Zarzuela said...

The blanket is looking fab! (And I still like the socks). I'm another vote for ML too. Awesome about the llamas too. :)


4:12 p.m., July 07, 2006  
Blogger Karen said...

I can't believe that's your first pair of socks!!! They came out fabulous.

4:36 p.m., July 07, 2006  
Blogger Rachel said...

Welcome to Boston/Belmont! I'm sure you'll quickly find a new S'nB, although nothing can replace old friends. I don't really have any leads for you since I generally do my knitting on my couch. I hear the Knitsmiths are lots of fun, but that's a little ways from Belmont.

6:11 p.m., July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to Boston! We met down at CT Sheep and Wool. Hope the unpacking is going well.

6:22 p.m., July 07, 2006  
Blogger barbp said...

Your socks are beautiful. But my first pair of socks is probably going to end up being a one socker only, because I'm not fond of the yarn I chose. Friends with my knitting group liked it though.

Maybe we're meant to not like our first sock yarn?

I have to add Aran to my list of "I gotta learn how to do that" Yours is beautiful.

Cool on the new Alpaca.

9:57 p.m., July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, but your socks look just perfect! I love self striping colorways that are not 100% perfect, they'll give such a unique look to socks! But you learned how to knit socks, that's the main thing, and I guess you'll find lots more sock yarns you're going to enjoy better than this one!
I also absolutely love your blanket, such a gorgeous pattern, and you're knitting it up so evenly - great!
All the best with settling down at your new place - and mind you, you're going to find a lot of new fellow knitters soon, I'm sure about that!

4:34 a.m., July 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like your socks! I've had a little self-striping mishap myself, but no matter...all part of the learning curve, right??? If you're trying the two circular needle sock thing, I'm liking the Queen Kahuna Crazy Toes and Heels method (do a Google search). Lots of detail to sort through in the pattern, but well-worth it...the socks fit great and they go quickly. Good luck!

6:35 p.m., July 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you get both Dale and Sandnes yarn and patterns in the US? Both Regia and Opal yarn comes in different patterns, and some are better than others. I think your socks are just fine, can't see anything wrong with them.

2:46 a.m., July 10, 2006  
Blogger Sneaksleep said...

I guess it's just the color you don't like on your socks? Cuz I think they look fine! I'm deeply impressed with the progress you've made on that baby blanket--so intricate!

p.s. So does MIL getting another llama mean that there might be more yarn to be had? I would totally buy some.

3:57 p.m., July 13, 2006  

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