Friday, October 01, 2004

Brendan turns 30, Oom-paa-paa band plays

Brendan is turning 30 on October 26th and by some strange coincidence, the Tulsa Oktoberfest is being held from October 21st through October 24th. I'd like to surprise Brendan with a little impromptu celebration at this fine Tulsa event...

I've arranged to get a table reserved in the "Bier" tent on Saturday, October 23rd and have the oom-paa-paa (ok, polka) band play happy birthday at 2:30 pm. I'll be bringing in a birthday cake as well.

Please let me know if you can make it Oct 23rd with your significant others, if I can't get a quorum together for the afternoon time then I'll call off the table reservation. This is a SURPRISE, so please don't let on (it's really not going to be challenging to get Brendan to Oktoberfest under false pretenses).


p.s. If the Red Sox are in the World Series (knock on wood) and a game coincides with this plan, then there *will* be a keg in our backyard and we will be hosting our own private J&B Oktoberfest. :-)


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